New Monday Shoot #22: I know that many of you read a lot of books, but what about magazines? Show us some magazines that are in your house right now. They can be recent purchases, subscriptions, or old stuff that you've kept for some reason, or all of the above! (If you don't have any magazines, a newspaper will do.) And yes, Julie, fanzines count.
Here's what's in my bathroom right now:

Clockwise from top left: TV Guide post-strike issue with Hugh Laurie on the cover, 25th anniversary issue of Tucson Lifestyle, which I snagged (with permission) from the Red Cross donation center; the most recent issue I have of Doctor Who Magazine; Dwell, one of several magazines with a modernist sensibility that John likes to peruse; Atomic Ranch, devoted to midcentury ranch-style homes; Muscular Development, which gives me the heebie-jeebies, but John likes it; and Fine Homebuilding, which has a good article on laminate flooring. And yes, at least a few of these should be either shelved or recycled at this point.
And I know I've photographed these before, but what the heck:

These Jack and Jill magazines are all dated 1960, the year I turned 3 years old. They have several Disney-related articles, and others about shows I remember well, including Captain Kangaroo, The Lone Ranger and Fury ("the story of a horse...and of a boy who loved him."). John picked them up on eBay.
Your turn: photograph one or more magazines you've got at home or at work (tricky, I know), and post the result to your journal or blog, along with a link back here. Then come and leave a link to your entry in the comments below. I'll be back in a week to show everyone what we've been reading, or meaning to read, or read a long time ago, or...!
here ya go Karen..
I don't buy many magazines and tend to throw them out after a while. Let me see if I have some around the house otherwise newspapers it will be! :)
Jama Hameed
And I managed to do it without fanzines!
When I read this challenge, I thought it was going to be hard. Then I looked around my house. Boy was I wrong!!
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