Monday, September 01, 2008

Monday Photo Shoot Results: Destruction and Departures

First off: Carly has posted the first of her entries as the Monday Photo Shoot impresario. Her Ellipsis Monday Photo Shoot #1 can be found here. Hooray! Party over at Carly's! Let's all go!

On with the results from last week! I asked for shots of departures or destruction or both. My dog Pepper helpfully provided a photo op for this results entry on Saturday night, when she accidentally shut herself into the bedroom and then proceeded to attack the door. Thump! Thump! Thump! What is that sound?!

New damage as Pepper attacks the bedroom door again!

Meanwhile, our human participants came up with the following:

Carly shows us a departing steam locomotive, with a traditionally-dressed engineer hanging off the side.

Vicki encapsulates both departure and destruction with a cicada husk, and warns us, lest we freak out at the sight!

Jama brings us the Changi Airport Terminal 3 Departure Lounge, with the word Departure prominent. Also, a departing jet!

Kiva shows us the time-assisted self-destruction of a "jerk line freight wagon" from the 1800s, and explains just what that is.

Martha shows us the destruction where someone knocked a hole in a wall, and then departed for parts unknown!

Great, stuff, everyone, and thanks for all the nice words that accompanied them. I'll see you all over at Carly's, as she takes over with the Ellipsis Monday Photo Shoot. And don't forget, I'm still posting the Weekend Assignment, for those of you who like writing prompts. And I'll still be around, along with Carly and Steven, for the Round Robin Photo Challenges, every other Saturday!

The Star Tours departures board.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've a flight to Mos Eisley departing shortly. Or not.


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