Sunday, July 10, 2011

EMPS: The Daily Cloud

The topic for the Ellipsis Monday Photo Shoot this week was Looking Up. This time of year in Tucson, that means one thing: weather watching!

Thing is, I don't seem to look so much up at the clouds as out at them. The interesting stuff is on the horizon, where the most interesting clouds tend to build up during the monsoon.

For example, I've seen this cloud to the north of the Rincon Mountains - or one very much like it - several times this week.

Here's one worth looking up at!

But I can't resist sharing one more atmospheric phenomenon from this week, even though it wasn't so much up as up ahead, and eventually all around me. Did you see the big dust storm in Phoenix on tv this week? I drove into a somewhat smaller version of it outside of Tucson:

Apparently this was the same "haboob" that covered Phoeinix so dramatically an hour an a half later.


1 comment:

Jama said...

You captured some amazing clouds formations here, love every one of them! Being in a high rise apartment I can see the dark clouds approaching most of the times and love photographing them. One thing we don't have here is the dust-storm, thank God for that.