Sunday, July 25, 2010

EMPS: A Tale of Two Graveyards, Part One

For Ellipsis Monday Photo Shoot #99: Cemeteries, I took photos at two very different places: the St. Michael's Memorial Garden and at East Lawn Palms where my mom is buried. I will devote an entry to each.

From Arizona Cemeteries
This is the NE memorial garden at St. Michael and All Angels. It is the larger of the two sections.

My 104-year-old friend Eva Osburn was one of the people most recently interred here.

Customized remembrances at this cremation-only graveyard are small-scale but heartfelt. A hummingbird ornament adorns the grave on the left, while the flags of England the the United Kingdom mark the ashes of a parishioner who was born in England.

Some of the "All Angels", perhaps?

Here is a black and white version of one photo, by request.

I recently carried a crucifix at a funeral at St. Michael's. I didn't have ready access to my camera that morning, but there was a 21-gun salute for the retired Marine, something I'd never seen before in person. Taps was played, and also a hymn on bagpipes. The folding of a flag for the widow was done very slowly and deliberately, and the saluting was also done very slowly.

This is where I intend to be interred. I haven't made the arrangements, though.

Now on to East Lawn Palms!


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