Monday, December 05, 2005

Moon, Sun and Rain

Monday Photo Shoot: As for the Monday Photo Shoot, I declare it open season: Pick one of your favorite pictures from 2005 and share it with the rest of the group. You know, whatever you think looks good. You know what you like. We'll probably like it, too. Pick it, post it, come back and leave a link.

Because I can never pick one, here are a few of my favorite shots of sunset, moon, and monsoon:

A cross appears across the full moon during
Holy Week, March 24th, 2005.

Sunset and Saguaro in the Catalina Mountains,
March 15th and 16th, 2005

Indigo Rain, July 7th, 2005

Flooding at St. Michael's, Fifth & Wilmot,
August 9th, 2005.


1 comment:

Carly said...

Gorgeous Photos!

Always, Carly