Thursday, November 30, 2006

Freak Weather Conditions

This morning, I stepped outside into the remains of overnight rain. The windshield was wet, and the sky was completely blanketed in blue-gray clouds. Despite being late for work, I grabbed my camera and took a couple of cloud shots for you. Here they are, completely unedited except for resizing:

I swear to you, I was shocked when I downloaded the photos tonight and saw the rainbow on them. After two years of trying to capture rainbows with a camera with only minimal success, I finally got a few decent shots of one, and didn't even know it! In my hurry this morning, I didn't even see the rainbow!

Either that, or I'm misremembering, and didn't take any photos this morning. This magical appearance of rainbow pictures may be from the same source as the mysterious appearance of the photos several months back of the crane lifting the neighbors' fallen tree. Maybe John took the pictures, and forgot to mention it. Yes, that seems more likely. I know I saw clouds this morning, and raindrops on the windshield. But the actual photography I seem to remember may be from a day or two ago.

Here are the two photos put together, with a little editing:

Neat, huh?

Being a bit late for work, as I said, I had to park "beyond the berm" this morning in the very full parking lot. When I came outside at lunch, I had to fight a strong, cold, horizontal wind to get to the car.

Here's what that long "beyond the berm" row of parking looks like. At least, that's how it looked at lunchtime today. It's actually twice as long as it looks here. I was standing in the middle of it.

There's something odd about the picture, though. Where are the Santa Catalina Mountains? Can you even see them here?

How about now, with the camera zoomed in and the resulting photo darkened quite a bit?

Yes, the mountains were almost completely hidden by a dust storm. This is that old familiar intersection, the Crosswalk of Death, where you can normally see the mountains in all their moods. But today they were hiding.


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Carly said...

FABULOUS... start to finish! Oh my you did so well with these. Impressive, I have never photographed a rainbow. :) Excellent darlin!

Gattina said...

I especially love the first three pictures, they are very special !

Thanks for your comments on Round Robin, if you want to see more pictures about Turkey and Petra go to my travel blog
I am busy to install all my favourites ! Lot of work !

DesLily said...

I guess the word "luck" comes to mind for that rainbow!.. beautiful shots!! so.. since you didn't notice it I guess that means you didn't go find that pot'o gold huh? dang! I was about to hit you up for some money! lol

Anonymous said...

I've seen some really fantastic rainbows in AZ...maybe I'll post one of the pics!