Thursday, December 11, 2008

99% Relieved!

Obviously it's too soon for lab results, but it looks like I don't have cancer. Dr. L. described my tissue sample in a way that strongly contrasted with what she would expect to see if cancer were present. Apparently I was right: there's nothing wrong, just unusual. I can live with that!

The procedure was at least as painful as I anticipated, and it was almost funny how often Dr. L. and I kept apologizing to each other - she for inflicting pain, me for yelping so much. I'll spare you the details. But it's over with, and so worth it. By tomorrow I probably won't be sore any more. Even if I am, it will be minor, and I won't complain.

Last night was kind of difficult. I was too much on edge to sleep well after writing my blog entry. It didn't help that the bedroom was cold and the dogs were hogging the blankets! I should sleep much better tonight.

In the morning I'm supposed to go over to St. Michael's and do a little consulting about our online presence. Mostly I'm going to try to teach them how to use Twitter and other social media more effectively. Also we need to streamline the process of getting sermon podcasts online. It's not getting done at the moment, and that's partly my fault. Also, I can't seem to fix the widget above to stop the repetition. Odd, that.

On the accounting front, John and I agreed to spend the money on a CPA review course. I have a particular one in mind, but will do a little more research to make sure it's the most cost effective one. So far I think it is. Studying for the exam will mean spending less time messing around online, but that's probably a good thing. As for the concerns I wrote about last night, they're still there, but they don't negate the idea that studying and taking the exam is the logical next step. The deadline for choosing a study option is early next week, when a year-end discount expires in the course I'm considering.

I'm sorry tonight's entry isn't more coherent. Now that one crisis is over, I should be able to get back in the "swang of thangs" shortly.



Liz said...

I am very happy for you. Sleep well and may your dreams come true.

DesLily said...

this is the best news I've heard in some time Karen!!! :o)

Becky said...

w00t! Glad the test results went your way. I hope the CPA test goes as well! Good luck with your CPA adventure!

natalie said...

hiya Karen! Nice entry! Say I loved those pictures you made for the photo contest you entered with Carly! My favs were the ones that ha three colors banded together!
Wow! It sounds like you are really busy in your church! Happy Holidays! looking forward to reading more about your church and life there

Jama said...

Good to know that everything's all right with your health right now. I've been in your shoes a few years ago,when I found a lump in my breast. Fortunately after biopsy it turn our to be non cancerous.

Mike said...

Glad to hear the good news! Good luck with the CPA course.