So I'm going to show you parts of my Doctor Who collection, from my all-time favorite television show. Doctor Who. It first aired in the UK on November 23, 1963 and lasted until December 1989, was revived in 2005 and is again going strong on both sides of the Atlantic, in something like 40 countries around the world.

At first, I thought I wouldn't have anything interesting to show you. I don't really buy much by way of Doctor Who toys and collectibles. I own a few hundred books and nearly as many videos, but how photogenic is that? So I set up some of the box sets on a shelf, along with a few other things I do have. Clockwise from left, you can see a heavily-autographed copy of The Doctor Who Encyclopedia, box sets of Series One through Five (2005-2010) on DVD or Blu-Ray, a fan novella called Paradox that I wrote in the early 1990s, the last Target novel I needed to complete my collection of novelizations circa 2000, a TARDIS bank (that's the blue thing, representing the faux "police box" the Doctor travels in), a sonic screwdriver, the new issue of Doctor Who Magazine, a cartoon sketch of the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant), and a disappearing TARDIS mug.

Here's a better look at the sketch and the autographed book. The latter has been to two Gallifrey One conventions in Los Angeles, and has been autographed by numerous writers, actors and behind the scenes people.

The more I worked on this entry tonight, the more I remembered other things I could show you. I'll spare you the photos of the TARDIS towel, trading cards, TARDIS Time Lore fanzines and the FoDW keyring, but what about this? This original art by Ruben Calvillo is about 24" x 36", and made with either colored pencil or pastels. It cost me $100 at a local convention circa 1996.

This poster was on the back of my office door here at home for about 16 years. Until tonight. It's from a 1991-1995 Doctor Who exhibit of props and costumes (etc.) at the Museum of the Moving Image in London. The exhibit was called called "Behind the Sofa," which is where British children are said to hide when Doctor Who episodes get scary.

And finally, here's an autographed photo of the late Patrick Troughton, the second person to play the Doctor on television. Unfortunately, I never met him myself. I have met four of his successors, though.
You can find more photos here. And if you're interested in Doctor Who, you may want to follow my new Tumblr blog.
Now let's see what other Robins singled out as favorites!
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