Tuesday, March 23, 2004
7:13:00 PM MST
Hi there!
See what you started, Shelly? This is just a quick hello and placeholder. Tonight I have to look over some team homework, do individual homework and start on a take-home final, all in Intermediate Accounting. I'd much rather be reading a Buffy/Angel novel, watching Season 3 of Dick Van Dyke and eating the turkey roll that's got another hour to cook. Chances are I'll do all of those things before the night is over.
Written by mavarin.
This entry has 1 comment:
heh. Not only is blogging addicting, it's also contagious. Who knew? :)
Comment from shellys555 - 3/23/04 8:10 PM

Tuesday, March 23, 2004
7:24:00 PM MST
still noneLent
Growing up Catholic, I was used to the concept of "giving up something for Lent." As an adult Episcopalian, I don't always do it that way. Sometimes I add things rather than take things away. Or do both.
This year, pretty much everything I've tried to "give up" for Lent, such as cheating on my diet, hasn't worked out well. I'm doing better with the additions than the subtractions. I'm working my way through the Gospels (and probably Acts), and reading a book called
Girl Meets God. A schedule of three chapters a night on the Gospels tends to make me rush a little, cutting down on comprehension when I'm already tired (I do this at bedtime). Funny how much of it seems a little unfamiliar, even after all these years, partly because I read
New American Bible at home, NRSV at church.
Written by mavarin.
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Tuesday, March 23, 2004
7:38:00 PM MST
Feeling Hopeful
Hearing the fan on my Compaq
Googling Mâvarin
I check the site statistics on www.mavarin.com often. It's interesting what I find. Traffic isn't heavy (nor do I expect it to be), but certain pages get a fair number of hits. A lot of people find the recommended authors page, either by looking for that kind of page or by searching for literary quotes and/or for specific writers. The tribute page for my mom gets people looking for people named Funk or Johnson, or for psychologists. At least one person got there Googling WW II parody songs. Mom wrote parody songs, and I mention WW II, but the two references don't go together in this case. Google doesn't care whether such juxtapositions are accidental or intended, so people find themselves on plenty of unlikely or unhelpful pages!
I was a little nervous writing pages about the magic system in my Mâvarin books, and about the variety of religious beliefs reflected in that fictional world. People have found those pages looking for "immoral magic" and for "sample real magic spells." So far, I haven't received any hate male from either end of that spectrum, for which I'm grateful.
This is to test the IM/Buddy List feature of this journal. Here goes nothin'!
I've looked over the team homework, eaten dinner, updated the Mâvarin home page, and listened to two Dick Van Dyke episodes while doing the other stuff (same ones I watched last night). Now to do some actual homework!
(The answer is: it's not a full-featured entry, but can be edited after the fact. Big deal.)
Written by mavarin.
This entry has 0 comments
Quick Rundown of Miscellaneous Opinions
Top reason I'll never vote for George W Bush: I disagree with virtually everything he says, does, or believes.
My opinion of gay marriage: the marriage of two men or two women does not in any way invalidate, impair or cheapen more traditional pairings. So how does forbidding same sex marriage "defend" the institution? It doesn't. This is a civil rights issue, fought against more for emotional reasons than ethical ones.
On the Middle East: "an eye for an eye" is the worst possible approach to solving the many problems over there, as evidenced by the constant retaliation and terrorism. So why is that pretty much the only alternative ever tried?
On religion: if you think you have all the answers, you probably haven't asked all the questions. You may think one answer (e.g. "There is no God" or "It's in the Bible, so it's true") covers the lot. I respectfully disagree.
On Buffy: Spike's much more fun than Angel, but Angel clearly wins over Spike in the "Buffy's True Love" contest.
And that was it. My first day of blogging. In reproducing my AOL-J entries from 3/24/04, I've added italics and my beloved circumflex in the word Mâvarin, removed links and junk code, and taken the pictures out of the YGP boxes (which I always hated, anyway). But the words are the same ones I posted then. - KFB